
Go Meat!

In a word: Astonishing.

Consider this post part 1 of 2. The second will come once we've tried these. I can even give you an idea of what we'll say in the next post - "WOWOWOWOW - this is the greatest thing ever. Delicious. Incredible." You get the idea.

It's pretty safe to say that the good folks at Hillshire Farms are living the High Life. A brat with High Life built in is a fantastic idea. I've found myself eating a brat and thinking, "Damn, I could go for a High Life" dozens of times. But that's just one of many situations in which I've found myself wanting a High Life. Here's some others that will hopefully inspire solutions:

- At work
- Long car rides
- At a crap '$10 a beer' bar
- At a Yankee games
- On the beach in NY/NJ
- In the shower

There's countless more, and many of these I've come up with temporary workarounds for, but nothing that could be called a solution.

Big thanks to Joe Noodles for the tip on this one.

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